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双击自动滚屏 发布者:郑州大学自考网 【字体:

自考本科历年真题   00015 英语(二)2021年10月历年真题


答题时间:150 分钟总题数:29 题总分:100 分类别:历年真题


1 【单选】(总分1) Who ls James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming. the creator of James Bond. told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent.

In the first Bond novel. lan Flemina told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film. "The World is Not Enouah." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family. which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However. it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family. who came from Enaland. So perhaps Bond is Enalish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College, the same school as his creator lan Fleming.This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society. like Bond does so well

After leaving school. Bond did not go to university. He joined the British Secret Service. He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill". and so began a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early days, Bond's role was quite clear. He was working for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other dangerous organizations. Since the end of the Cold War, the role of the Service has changed and Bond's job profile has chanaed with it. Now his main enemies are the bia bosses of oraanized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War, organized crime is unlikely to come to an end.We can therefore be sure that James Bond, the best- known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him. The new Bond film made much money for its producer

A true

B false

C Not Given


2 【单选】 (总分1) Who Is James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming, the creator of James Bond, told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film. "The World Is Not Enough." was based on the Latin motto of

the Bond famiy which is mentioned in one of the eary novelsHowever it now annears that the motto is not that of the

Scottish Bonds, but that of a different Bond family, who came from England. So perhaps Bond is English, not Scottish

Bond went to Eton Colleae. the same school as his creator lan Flemina.This is a school where vouna people learn how to move in high society.like Bond does so well

After leaving school. Bond did not go to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill" and so beaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early days. Bond's role was quite clear. He was working for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other dangerous oraanizations. since the end of the Cold War the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War. organized crime is unlikely to come to an end.We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best- known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him lan Fleming directed the latest film about James Bood

A true

B false

C Not Given


3 【单选】(总分1) Who Is James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming, the creator of James Bond, told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

In the first Bond novel. lan Flemina told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not realy true.the ttle of the 19th Bond fim. "the Word s Not Enouch " was based on the latin motto o

the Bond family. which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However. it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds, but that of a different Bond family, who came from England. So perhaps Bond is English, not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College. the same school as his creator lan Fleming.This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society. like Bond does so wel.

After leaving school. Bond did not go to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon got promoted to the top

From then on he was 007 "lirensed to kill" and so heaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early days. Bond's role was quite clear.He was working for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other danaerous oraanizations. Since the end of the cold War. the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an end.We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th centurv. has many more adventures ahead of him"The World Is Not Enough"is the name of novel

A true

B false

C Not Given


4 【单选】(总分1) Who ls James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit.But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming, the creator of James Bond, told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent.

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film."The World Is Not Enough." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family. which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However. it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family,who came from England.So perhaps Bond is Enlish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College. the same school as his creator lan Fleming.This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society.like Bond does so well

After leavina school. Bond did not ao to university. He joined the British Secret Service. He soon aot promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill" and so beaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early days. Bond's role was quite clear. He was working for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other danaerous oraanizations. Since the end of the Cold War the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's iob profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism

Inlike the Cold War oranized crime is unlikely to come to an end We ran therefore he sure that.lames Rond the hest.

known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th centurv. has many more adventures ahead of him

Bond is unable to move in high society

A true

B false

C Not Given


5 【单选】(总分1) Who is James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming, the creator of James Bond, told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film."The World Is Not Enough." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family, which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However, it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family. who came from Enaland. So perhaps Bond is Enalish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College, the same school as his creator lan Fleming.This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society. like Bond does so well

After leaving school, Bond did not go to university. He joined the British Secret Service. He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill" and so beaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early days. Bond's role was quite clear. He was working for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other dangerous organizations. Since the end of the Cold War, the role of the Service has changed and Bond's job profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an end. We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best

known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him Bond went to university before he became a secret agent

A true

B false

C Not Given


6 【单选】(总分1) Who ls James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan

Fleming. the creator of James Bond. told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

in the first Bond novel. lan Flemina told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film."The World Is Not Enough." was based on the Latin motto ot the Bond family. which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However. it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds, but that of a different Bond family, who came from England. So perhaps Bond is English, not Scottish.

Bond went to Eton College, the same school as his creator lan Fleming. This is a school where young people learn how to

move in nian society.ike Bond does so we

After leavina school. Bond did not ao to university. He joined the British Secret Service. He soon aot promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "icensed to kill" and so beaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

in the early days. Bond's role was quite clear.He was workina for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and

other danaerous oraanizations. since the end of the cold War the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has chanaed with it. Now his main enemies are the bia bosses of oraanized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the cold War oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an endWe can therefore be sure that.ames Bond the best

known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th centurv. has many more adventures ahead of him The British Secret Service gave Bond many awards

A true

B false

C Not Given


7 【单选】(总分1) Who Is James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan

fleming the creator of.lames Hond told us something about the orons of the world's most tamous secret anent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true.The title of the 19th Bond film. "The World is Not Enouah." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family, which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However, it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family. who came from Enaland. So perhaps Bond is Enalish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College, the same school as his creator lan Fleming. This is a school where young people learn how to move in high societylike Bond does so well

After leaving school, Bond did not go to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill". and so began a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early davs. Bond's role was quite clear. He was workina for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and

other danaerous oraanizations. since the end of the cold War the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has chanaed with it. Now his main enemies are the bia bosses of oraanized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an end.We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best known English fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him Bond went to many parts of the world because ofhis job.

A true

B false

C Not Given


8 【单选】(总分1) Who ls James Bond?


The latest Bond film is an enormous box-office-(票房)hit. But who is James Bond? Where does he come from? Author lan Fleming. the creator of James Bond. told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film, "The World Is Not Enough," was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family. which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However. it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family. who came from Enaland. So perhaps Bond is Enalish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton Colleae. the same school as his creator lan Flemina.This is a school where vouna people learn how to move in high societylike Bond does so well

After leaving school. Bond did not ao to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon aot promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill" and so beaan a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

in the early davs Bond's role was ollite rlear He was working for the West His main enemies were men from the keb and

other danaerous oraanizations. Since the end of the cold War. the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism.

nlike the Cold War oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an end We can therefore be sure thatlames Bond the best

known English fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him Bond fought against many dangerous organizations

A true

B false

C Not Given


9 【单选】 (总分1) Who ls James Bond?


the latest Bond film is an enormous box-ofice-(票房hitBut who is.ames Bond? Where does he come from? Author lar

Fleming, the creator of James Bond, told us something about the origins of the world's most famous secret agent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film. "The World Is Not Enough." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family, which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However, it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds. but that of a different Bond family who came from Enaland. So perhaps Bond is Enalish. not Scottish

Bond went to Eton College, the same school as his creator lan Fleming. This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society. like Bond does so well

After leaving school, Bond did not go to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill". and so began a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early davs. Bond's role was quite clear He was workina for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other dangerous organizations. Since the end of the Cold War. the role of the Service has changed and Bond's job profile has changed with it. Now his main enemies are the big bosses of organized crime and international terrorism.

Unlike the Cold War. organized crime is unlikely to come to an end.We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th centurv. has many more adventures ahead of him We can expect more adventurous stories about Bond

A true

B false

C Not Given


10 【单选】(总分1) Who ls James Bond?


the latest Bond film is an enormous box-office- 票房thitBut who is.ames Bond? Where does he come from? Atthor lan

Flemina. the creator of James Bond. told us something about the oriains of the world's most famous secret aaent

In the first Bond novel. lan Fleming told us that James Bond was the son of a Scottish father and an Asian mother. But

perhaps this was not really true. The title of the 19th Bond film. "The World Is Not Enouah." was based on the Latin motto of the Bond family, which is mentioned in one of the early novels. However, it now appears that the motto is not that of the Scottish Bonds, but that of a different Bond family, who came from England. So perhaps Bond is English, not Scottish.

Bond went to Eton College. the same school as his creator lan Fleming.This is a school where young people learn how to move in high society. like Bond does so well

After leaving school. Bond did not go to university.He joined the British Secret Service.He soon got promoted to the top From then on he was 007. "licensed to kill". and so began a career which would take him to all the corners of the earth

In the early davs. Bond's role was quite clear He was workina for the West. His main enemies were men from the KGB and other danaerous oraanizations. Since the end of the cold War. the role of the Service has chanaed and Bond's job profile has chanaed with it. Now his main enemies are the bia bosses of oraanized crime and international terrorism

Unlike the Cold War. oraanized crime is unlikely to come to an end. We can therefore be sure that James Bond. the best known Enalish fictional hero of the 20th century. has many more adventures ahead of him This text tells about the personality of James Bond

A true

B false

C Not Given


11 【单选】(总分2) Universal Gestures


Gestures for victory. defeat and stress are almost the same in all countries

On the front page of a newspaper we often see the picture of people holding their head in shock. People put their hands on

their head or over their mouth when they ook on a scene with shockor horror

Chris Ulrich is an expert on body lanquage.He said that covering your mouth or putting your hands on your head helps make you feel safer from perceived threat. By covering part of your face you can feel hidden from the shocking event. Additionally these reactions can help a person comfort himself through touch.Ulrich said it is a self comforting gesture to help people in the moment.

In times of strona anxiety. people will twist their hands to calm themselves. Ulrich said it is a reaction people often have when

they are in front of an audience or nervous "t's a comfort for them that thevlget through it " said urich He relates that

gesture to a parent trying to calm a child

Most athletes react to victories or defeats with specific behaviors. A 2008 study examined pictures of judo competitors during

the 2008 Olvmpic Games. They were from different countries. but they showed similar behaviors when they won a match

The winners would throw their head back or raise their hands in trumohrich said these victory behaviors are a wav

winners"explode" out and take up more space.

However. if an athlete suffers a loss. he will act in a way that makes him physically smaller. such as hanging his head. "When

you lose. you want to disappear."said Ulrich. The study also found that the judo competitors had the same behavior when thew lost.

People put their hands over their mouth to_

A avoid a danger

B gain self-comfort

C hide their shock

D show their anxiety


12【单选】(总分2) Universal Gestures


Gestures for victory. defeat and stress are almost the same in all countries

On the front page of a newspaper we often see the picture of people holding their head in shock. People put their hands on their head or over their mouth when they look on a scene with shock or horror

Chris Ulrich is an expert on body language.He said that covering your mouth or putting your hands on your head helps make you feel safer from perceived threat. By covering part of your face you can feel hidden from the shocking event. Additionallw these reactions can help a person comfort himself through touch. Ulrich said it is a self comforting gesture to help people in the moment

In times of strona anxiety. people will twist their hands to calm themselves. Ulrich said it is a reaction people often have when they are in front of an audience or nervous. "lt's a comfort for them that they'll get through it." said Ulrich. He relates that gesture to a parent trying to calm a child.

Most athletes react to victories or defeats with snecific behaviors A 2008 study examined nictures of iudo comnetitors during

the 2008 0lvmpic GamesThey were from different countries but they showed simiar behaviors when they won a match

The winners would throw their head back or raise their hands in triumph.Ulrich said these victory behaviors are a way winners"explode" out and take up more space

However, if an athlete suffers a loss, he will act in a way that makes him physically smaller, such as hanging his head. "When you lose. you want to disappear."said Ulrich. The study also found that the judo competitors had the same behavior when thew lost.

People tend to twist their hands when they are

A depressed

B angry

C shocked

D Nervous


13 【单选】(总分2) 


Universal GesturesGestures for victorydefeat and stress are almost the same in alcountriesOn the front page of a

 newspaper we often see the picture of people holding their head in shock. People put their hands on their head or

 over their mouth when they look on a scene with shock or horrorChris Ulrich is an expert on body lanauaae. He said

 that coverina your mouth or puttina your hands on your head helps make you feel safer from perceived threat. By

 covering part of your face you can feel hidden from the shocking event. Additionally these reactions can help a person

 comfort himself through touch.Ulrich said it is a self comforting gesture to help people in the moment.In times of strona 

anxiety. people will twist their hands to calm themselves.Ulrich said it is a reaction people often have when they are in 

front of an audience or neryous. "lt's a comfort for them that they'll aet throuah it." said Ulrich. He relates that gesture 

to a parent trying to calm a childMost athletes react to victories or defeats with specific behaviors. 

A 2008 study examined pictures of judo competitors durindthe 2008 0lvmpic Games They were from 

different countries but they showed similar behaviors when they won a matchThe winners would throw

 their head back or raise their hands in triumph. Ulrich said these victory behaviors are a way

 winners"explode" out and take up more spaceHowever. if an athlete suffers a loss. he will act in a

 way that makes him physically smaller. such as hanging his head. "When you lose. you want to disappear"said

 Ulrich. The study also found that the judo competitors had the same behavior when thew lostIn Paragraph

 4, "that gesture"refers to


A shaking one's hands 

B coveringone's face

C twisting one's hands 

D rubbina one's face   


14 【单选】(总分2)


 Universal GesturesGestures for victory, defeat and stress are almost the same in all countries.2On the front paae of a newspaper we often

 see the picture of people holdina their head in shock. People put their hands ontheir head or over their mouth when 

they look on a scene with shock or horror3Chris Ulrich is an expert on body language.He said that covering your mouth

 or putting your hands on your head helps make you feel safer from perceived threat. By covering part of your face you 

can feel hidden from the shocking eventAdditionally these reactions can help a person comfort himself through touch.

Ulrich said it is a self comforting gesture to help people in the moment4In times of strong anxiety. people will twist their

 hands to calm themselves. Ulrich said it is a reaction people often havewhen they are in front of an audience or nervous."t's

a comfort for them that they'l get throuah it " said Ulrich. He relates that gesture to a parent trying to calm a child5Most 

athletes react to victories or defeats with specific behaviors.A 2008 studv examined pictures of iudo competitors durina

 the 2008 Olvmpic Games. Thev were from different countries. but they showed similar behaviors when they won amatch 

The winners would throw their head back or raise ther hands in triumphurich said these victory behaviors are a wawwinners"

explode" out and take yp more space6However. if an athlete suffers a loss. he will act in a way that makes him physically 

smaller. such as hanging his head"When you lose. you want to disappear"said Ulrich. The study also found that the judo 

competitors had the same behavion when they lost.Judo winners often act in a way that makes them


A occupymore space

B appear physically smaller

C obtain more respect

D become more competitive 


15 【单选】(总分2)

Universal Gestures  Gestures for victory. defeat and stress are almost the same in all countries

On the front page of a newspaper we often see the picture of people holding their head in shock. People put their hands on

their head or over their mouth when they ook on a scene with shockor horror

Chris Ulrich is an expert on body language. He said that covering your mouth or putting your hands on your head helps mak you feel safer from perceived threat. By covering part of your face you can feel hidden from the shocking event. Additionally these reactions can help a person comfort himself through touch. Ulrich said it is a self comforting gesture to help people in the moment.

In times of strong anxiety. people will twist their hands to calm themselves. Ulrich said it is a reaction people often have wher they are in front of an audience or neryous. "lt's a comfort for them that they'll aet throuah it." said Ulrich. He relates that gesture to a parent trying to calm a child.

Most athletes react to victories or defeats with specific behaviors. A 2008 study examined pictures of judo competitors during the 2008 Olvmpic Games. They were from different countries. but they showed similar behaviors when they won a match The winners would throw their head back or raise their hands in triumph. Ulrich said these victory behaviors are a wav winners"explode" out and take yp more space

However. if an athlete suffers a loss. he will act in a way that makes him physically smaller. such as hanging his head. "When you lose. you want to disappear"said Ulrich. The studv also found that the judo competitors had the same behavior when the lost.

The judo losers would______

A raise their arms

B lower their heads 

C beat their chests

D sit on their knees

16 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise, according to a recent report. That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in bia cities like New York.

2 Despite the increase in walking. only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy. The inactive lifestyle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight. which will threaten our life span.That's where walkino comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight.At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try

4 Wa kina reauires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedues. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. f you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a auick walk. Even if you ao to a health club several times week. you can stil

look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walkina for 10 minutes. they miaht think about trving 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy选项:

A.The key to walking is getting started

B.Walking is the first step to making changes

C.The advantage of walking is its simplicity

D. Walking is a great way for health improvement

E.More Americans take up walking than before

F.Modern lifestyle affects our health negatively Paragraph:

17 【填空题】(总分1)) Little Steps,Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise, according to a recent report. That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York

2 Despite the increase in walking, only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy. The inactive lifestvle has a negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight, which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight. At the same

ime it can heln lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers and improve our blood pressuref30 minutes is too

much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time, make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you go to a health club several times week, you can still look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

5 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes, they might think about trying 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy选项:

A.The key to walking is getting started

B. Walking is the first step to making changes

C.The advantage of walking is its simplicity

D. Walking is a great way for health improvement

E.More Americans take up walking than before

F.Modern lifestyle affects our health negatively Paragraph:

18 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise, according to a recent report. That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York.

2 Despite the increase in walking, only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy.The inactive lifestyle has a negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight, which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in

 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight. At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts durina the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really trv

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time make use of them to take a quick walkeven if you ao to a health club several times week you can stil

look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email.

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walkina for 10 minutes. they miaht think about trving 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy


A. The key to walking is getting started

B. Walking is the first step to making changes

C. The advantage of walking is its simplicity

D. Walking is a great way forhealth improvement 

E.More Americans take up walking than before

F.Modern lifestyle affects our health negatively Paragraph:

19 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York

2 Despite the increase in walking. only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our

society been condifioned to be inactive Peonle rely on modern conveniences and become lazy the inactive lifestvle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight.which will threaten our life span.That's where walkind comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight. At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you go to a health club several times week. you can still look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email.

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes. they miaht think about trving 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy选项:

A.The key to walking is getting started

B. Walking is the first step to making changes

C.The advantage of walking is its simplicity.

D. Walking is a great way for health improvement

E. More Americans take up walking than before F.Modern lifestyle affects our health negatively Paragraph:

20 【填空题】(总分1)) Little Steps,Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in bia cities like New York

2) Despite the increase in walking. only about 30% ofAmericans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Ou

society been condifioned to be inactive Peone relv on modern conveniences and become lazy the inactive lifestvle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight, which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in

 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight. At the same

time it can heln ower the risk of hear disease and some cancers and improve our blood nressure30 minutes is too

much we may divide it into three 10-minute narts during the dayMost ofus can find 10 minutes if we really trv

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you go to a health club several times week. you can still look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email.

5 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started.It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes, they might think about trying 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy.选项:

A.The key to walking is getting started.

B. Walking is the first step to making changes

C.The advantage of walking is its simplicity

D. Walking is a great way for healthimprovement

E.More Americans take up walking than before

F.Modern lifestyle affects our health negatively Paragraph:

21 填空题 (总分1

Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise. according to a recent report. That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York.

2 Despite the increase in walking, only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our

society been conditioned to be inactive Peonle rely on modern conveniences and become lazy The inactive lifestvle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight. which will threaten our life span.That's where walkino comes in.

 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight. At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try.

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you ao to a health club several times week you can stil look for ways to be active while at work.it may be walkina downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes. they might think about trying 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy选项:

A. we divide a 30-minute walk into 3 parts

B. our inactiveness

c. we may like to try a longer one

D bia cities in America

E.a daily 30-minute quick walk

F. Fa face-to-fave talk

Reports say that the walkers are mostly from

22 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year.Many places in America have reported an increase in walking.But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York

2 Despite the increase in wa king. only about 30% of Americans say they have at east 3 hours to take exercise a week. ou

society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy.The inactive lifestyle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight.which will threaten our life span.That's where walkind comes in.

3 Waking is the best way to improve our health .ust 30 minutes of reoular ouick walkina can heln lose weioht At the same

time it can heln lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers and improve our blood pressuref30 minutes is too

much, we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day.Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try

4 Wa kina reauires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedues. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work.f you have a few

minutes of free time make use of them to fake a duick walkeven if you ao to a health club severa times week you can stil

look for ways to be active while at work. it may be walkina downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes, they might think about trying 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy.选项:

A. we divide a 30-minute walk into 3 parts

B. our inactiveness

c.we may like to try alongerone

D.big cities in America

E.a daily 30-minute quick walk

F.a face-to-fave talk

Many diseases are largely caused by

23 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps.Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York

2 Despite the increase in walking, only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our

society been condiioned to be inactive Peonle relv on modern conveniences and become lazy the inactive lifestvle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight. which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight.At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too

much we mav divide it into three 10-minute narts during the dayMost ofus can find 10 minutes it we realy trv

4 Walking reguires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you ao to a health club several times week. you can stil look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

5 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walking for 10 minutes, they might think about trying 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy选项:

A.we divide a 30-minute walkinto 3 parts

B. our inactiveness

c. we may like to try a longer one

D.big cities in America

E. a daily 30-minute quick walk

F. a face-to-fave talk

We can keep healthy by taking__

24 【填空题】 (总分1)

Little Steps,Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York

2 Despite the increase in walking. only about 30% of Americans say they have at least 3 hours to take exercise a week. Our society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy.The inactive lifestyle has a

negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight, which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight.At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers. and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts durina the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you go to a health club several times week. you can still look for ways to be active while at work.it may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walkina for 10 minutes. they miaht think about trving 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy


A.we divide a 30-minute walk into 3 parts


c. we may like to try a longerone

D.big cities in America

E. a daily 30-minute quick walk

F.a face-to-fave talk

We can take a quick walk downstairs for

25 【填空题】(总分1) Little Steps. Big Reward

1 More than 145 million Americans take walking as part of their exercise.according to a recent report.That's 15 million more people walking than last year. Many places in America have reported an increase in walking. But most of the walkers are found in big cities like New York.

2 Despite the increase in wa king. only about 30% of Americans say they have at east 3 hours to take exercise a week. ou

society been conditioned to be inactive. People rely on modern conveniences and become lazy. The inactive lifestyle has a negative aspect. We are more likely to be in poor health like overweight, which will threaten our life span.That's where walking comes in.

3 Walking is the best way to improve our health. Just 30 minutes of regular quick walking can help lose weight.At the same time. it can help lower the risk of heart disease and some cancers, and improve our blood pressure. lf 30 minutes is too much. we may divide it into three 10-minute parts during the day. Most of us can find 10 minutes if we really try.

4 Walking requires only a pair of shoes and suits any schedules. Keep a pair of sport shoes at work. If you have a few

minutes of free time. make use of them to take a quick walk. Even if you go to a health club several times week. you can stil look for ways to be active while at work. lt may be walking downstairs for a direct talk rather than sending an email.

 Small efforts can make a big difference. But the hardest part for us is getting started. It's usually like this. When people get to a comfort level of walkina for 10 minutes. they miaht think about trving 11 minutes. That first step is really worthy


A.we divide a 30-minute walk into 3 parts

B.our inactiveness

C. we may like to try a longer one 

D.big cities in America

E. a daily 30-minute quick walk

F.a face-to-fave talk

When feeling good after a 10-minute walk

26 【填句补文题】(总分10) North Africa

Africa is the second largest continent on Earth. It is about 8,000 kilometers long from north to south. It can be divided into three major regions:northern Africa,centralAfrica,and southern Africa.__26_

Africa is separated from Europe by the Mediterranea Sea(地中海)It is connected to Asia in the east. For this reason. it has been easy for people from Europe, Asia and other areas to come to North Africa.27

Most of North Africa is covered by the Sahara Desert28There is little rainfall here. The few people who live in the desert live in oases(绿洲)The valley of the Nile River forms one of the oases that stretch across the desert in the east Many North African nations have a very important resource. They have larae deposits of petroleum.29in return

these nations receive a lot of money. They are spending some of this money to make life better for their people

Egypt is an important nation in North Africa.30It has served as a bridge between Africa and Asia. People from many

nations have nassed through Fovptloday it controls the suez canalthe cana connects the Mediterranean sea and the

Red Sea.It is important for ships traveling between nations in Europe and Asia.选项:

A llt has awavs been a great barrier to people traveling south

B. This oil is shipped to many parts of the world

C.Each region has its special geography and history

D.Asia is much larger than Europe

E. All these people have left their influence there

F.About 40 million people live there today

27 【填词补文题】(总分15) Learning from Mistakes

Lots of people dont' dare to make mistakes. They fear that they will be blamed by others or lose their money and 31 Therefore, they are under lot of stress. But risks are unavoidable and they do 32 the way towards success. Have you ever heard of someone who achieves success without making any mistakes?

So it is 33 that making mistakes in your effort to realize your 34 is considered must. You shouldn't worry about makina mistakes as you may aet a lot of 35 from them. By makina mistakes you can 36 between the correct and the 37 things you did.Anthony D'Angelo said,"In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what to do the next time. "Robert Stevenson even went to the 38 as to say. "Our business in life is not to succeed. but to continue to 39 in good spirits."

You needn't worry about anything as long as you keep on going by 40 learning from your mistakes and trying even harder选项:

A.extreme B.discover C.distinguish D.advantages E. fail

F.belongings G.recently H. natural I. pave

J.incorrect K wisely L. dreams


[解析] 31-35:FIHLD


28 【完形补文题】(总分15) Interlaken.Switzerland

The sound of cow bells rinaina across interlaken's arassland is comfortina(comfort).Climbina up the nearby mountains is also

41(enjoy). So is skiing down them.the town of Interlaken is42(locate)in a beautiful setting between two lakes. It is also close to the43(mountain) villages. The outdoor possibilities are44(end)around Interlaken in

summer and winter. They range from sailing, skiing, to climbing or just 45(relax) in a pool. People can enjoy boating in the summer They can also take46(please) in skiina in the winter This place is perfect choice for people if they like ice climbing or47(roll) down a hill inside a ball.lt meets48everyone's needs

Foreigners are not allowed to buy49(house)in Interlaken. But they can buy one in nearby villages. Many 50(retire people consider Interlaken a great place to settle around

[结果] 正确答案是:

41.enjoyable42.loc ated


45.relaxing 46.pleasure



某英语学习报征集一篇题为“My Favorite Chinese Festival”的稿件。请就此题目写一篇英文短文应征.

29 【作文题】(总分30)



My Favorite Chinese Festival

Iam writing about Chinese New Year's Day. It is the beginning of a year. There are different ways to celebrate such as singing and dancing. When it comes to different ways to celebrate. the majority of people believe that they have their own benefits.

Faced with different ways to celebrate, different people have different choices.On the one hand. some people like singing because it is more meaningful. On the other hand. other people prefer dancing because it is more enjoyable. Evervone can choose what he likes

As far as I am concerned, I like singing because it is more meaningful. I hope you can enjoy it, as it is indeed good for us.



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